Below are a selection of articles to keep you informed:

Global warming
Climate Change Society
Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing
Greenhouse Gas
The Amazon a Key Ecosystem
What is Biomass
The Ozone
Gas Flaring
The Global Carbon Cycle

In the News

11 November 2011 --(EMW)
Centre for Climate Change holds First Ladies Forum featuring world leaders during UNFCCC COP17 Conference
(See full article)

31 January 2011 -- (MSNBC)
Nigeria-Based Center for Climate Change Makes Plans to Open Office in the U.S. in Efforts to Launch Environmental Studies for UNFCCC (See full article)

8 October 2010 -- (Abribiz)
Nigeria and ECCO2 Join to Stimulate Economy and Reduce Greenhouse Gases (See full article)


Center For Climate Change and Enviromental Studies.

5,Elbe Close. Minister's Hill
Panama Street. Maitama.
P.O.Box 19081, Area 10 Garki.
Abuja, Nigeria.

USA Registered Office:
848 N. Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89107
United States of America

T: +234 803 821 3028
T: +234 805 068 3373
T: +234 0987 49778
T: +1-702-988 6960 (United States)

What we hope to accomplish

1. Creating National Awareness Campaign on Climate Change and Global Warming.

2. Trees Planting Projects across the states.

3. Alert and Motivate Our Leaders: Most politicians and leaders will not act unless they believe a significant number of their constituency are supportive of their actions. If enough people show concern and communicate this concern,politicians are forced into action. Contact your local politician and ask what policies are in place to reduce carbon emissions in your country and what the government is doing to address climate change.

4. Encourage Others: - There is no question, we must act now!
Just like you are undertaking these actions, encourage others to do likewise. We need to act locally but think globally to turn the tide, and wind back our carbon emissions. If each of us within our own home, neighbourhood, and town encourage each other to adopt practices that reduce our greenhouse gas emissions then we are taking the first steps to a better future.

5. Heating/Cooling:
  • Keep doors closed if you have heating or air-conditioning on.
  • Open doors and windows can waste up to 50% of cooling or heating. Have your heating or air-conditioning serviced, and keep filters clean.
  • Check thermostats on air conditioner and heating appliances. Winter temperatures should be around 18-20°C (64-68°F) while in summer a temperature of 24-27°C (75-80°F) should be comfortable. Use timers so the heating or cooling is not left on for hours. Use it when you need it. Put on clothing instead of turning up the heater.
  • 6. Lighting: Use natural light, it is free! Switch lights off, especially those in rooms no one is using. Take out unnecessary lighting. Many hallways and entrances are over lit. Replace light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs use at least 2/3 less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and provide the same amount of light, lasting up to 10 times longer. You'll save hundreds of kilograms of carbon dioxide. Over a period of 8000 hours, a 20 W long-life bulb produces about 600 kg less carbon dioxide than a 100 W incandescent bulb (if the electricity is generated in a coal-burning power plant).

    7. Turn Off Equipment On "Standby" Stereos, TVs and equipment on standby consume a great deal of energy. Power is consumed not while the appliance is being fully utilised but while it awaits instruction; while it is "standing by". Energy used by standby power can contribute approx 10% of a household?s energy bill. Each of your appliances on standby mode can consume up to 14 watts. This may not sound like much but just think of the number of appliances that you have at home which continuously use standby power. Turn them off!

    9. Recycling: Managing your household consumption patterns can significantly save on resources and energy. Most of the materials in our lives take energy to produce. It usually takes less energy to make recycled products than to make new ones. Stop using plastic bags, buy a carry bag, or box, use recycled paper bags and look for creative ways to reuse items. Recycle Everything in your house, newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminium foil, motor oil, scrap metal, to name a few. Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bags. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring home from shopping. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminium foil.

    10. Vehicles: Choose an efficient vehicle: Choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle to meet your needs. This might mean changing from a sporty vehicle, or four wheel drive to a mid size car. Buy a Hybrid car if you are in the new car market. Hybrids run on petroleum and self-charging electric engines that don?t have to be plugged in. There is a huge difference in the fuel efficiency of cars. Aim for a car that emits less than 130 grams CO2/litre. Avoid sports cars, 4X4s, SUVs, and people carriers.