Below are a selection of articles to keep you informed:

Global warming
Climate Change Society
Biodiversity and Human Wellbeing
Greenhouse Gas
The Amazon a Key Ecosystem
What is Biomass
The Ozone
Gas Flaring
The Global Carbon Cycle

In the News

11 November 2011 --(EMW)
Centre for Climate Change holds First Ladies Forum featuring world leaders during UNFCCC COP17 Conference
(See full article)

31 January 2011 -- (MSNBC)
Nigeria-Based Center for Climate Change Makes Plans to Open Office in the U.S. in Efforts to Launch Environmental Studies for UNFCCC (See full article)

8 October 2010 -- (Abribiz)
Nigeria and ECCO2 Join to Stimulate Economy and Reduce Greenhouse Gases (See full article)


Center For Climate Change and Enviromental Studies.

5,Elbe Close. Minister's Hill
Panama Street. Maitama.
P.O.Box 19081, Area 10 Garki.
Abuja, Nigeria.

USA Registered Office:
848 N. Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89107
United States of America

T: +234 803 821 3028
T: +234 805 068 3373
T: +234 0987 49778
T: +1-702-988 6960 (United States)

What we do.

  1. Creating National Awareness Campaign
    on global warming and climate change.

  2. Planting of trees
    across the nation and erosion vulnerable cities.

  3. Awareness crusade
    to stop bush burning, gas flaring, oil spillage,desert encroachment and firewood-farming.

  4. 2-3-3-6- Schools Project - View gallery
    the Centre is partnering with Primary Schools Children, Secondary Schools students and the University students to come together and plant (50,000,000) Fifty millions trees before the end of 2010 across the nations in compliance with the United Nations Kyoto-Protocol on global warming and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) tree planting projects.

  5. Upcoming Global Awareness Campaign Tagged; SAVE THE EARTH WALK
    A project that is bringing global leaders and eminent personalities to take a 200 mitres walk as a way of Alerting our people the Danger of global warming and the vulnerability of the African continents

  6. Renewable Energy Solutions
    through alliances and partnership with ECCO2; clean technologies such as waste-to-energy and wave-to-energy plants to provide energy that produces less carbon-emissions than other fossil-fueled energy solutions

  7. Energy Effiicient and Sustainable Solutions
    ECCO2 provides various clean technologies than contribute to lower greenhouse gaes by generation of clean energy or products that reduce energy consumption for transportation and buildings. (See more details)